Dealing with your role as executor after a loved one dies can be a stressful job. Although you may have all the technical skills needed to accomplish this task, dealing with the variety of paperwork and beneficiaries can leave you overwhelmed.
Having ways to deal with this stress can help you in this demanding situation.
According to Psychology Today, writing down and keeping track of the specialists that you talk to, such as accountants or attorneys, is one way to save yourself stress in the near future. Since you often need to pay debts or settle accounts for the deceased person, keeping your records organized is important.
Dealing with your loved one’s assets and money means paying attention to how much you are spending on behalf of the estate.
Although you may not realize it at first, you may find that it is a struggle to take care of yourself mentally and physically in the time after a death. Since this may be your first time managing probate, the job of an executor may seem like too much to handle.
Reaching out to a loved one or a therapist may help you if you are falling behind on important probate-related tasks.
One source of stress may come from your loved one’s beneficiaries. They may have differing opinions on what assets or heirlooms they should receive, and you may find yourself answering urgent questions. Staying calm and collected, as well as keeping strong boundaries, can help you get along with the beneficiaries and complete the probate process without feeling stressed.