If you have put off your estate plan for far too long, you are certainly not alone. There are many aging individuals who would rather seek a cheap and quick do-it-yourself alternative to formal estate planning.
Estate planning attorneys offer their services to guide you through the legal complexities of passing on your assets. Attempting to handle the process without counsel or taking shortcuts is likely to result in some drawbacks.
While there are many convenient online services that claim to produce a fully-functional estate plan for you, these options might not be right for your unique situation. This process typically involves downloading pre-made documents and simply filling out your details. This one-size-fits-all approach is certainly not for everyone, and the legality of such documents may be questionable in some cases.
Your estate planning lawyer works with you personally to understand your asset profile and formulate a plan that addresses all of your needs. Even in cases where you have access to an acquaintance’s will to use as a template, this is no replacement for a personalized plan of your own. It is best to ensure that you account for every aspect of your estate in order to save your family much time and effort in the future.
Building an estate plan may seem like a chore that you would rather put off until the last minute. However, even starting with a simple will can go a long way toward granting yourself and your family peace of mind.